Bright Futures Site Councils

Site Councils Teamwork
When communities come together around their neighborhood schools, everyone benefits.
Ongoing discussions and connections with local business representatives, faith-based partners, parents and social service groups help schools meet the daily challenges faced by kids and teachers. By sitting around the table together on a regular basis, those representatives' passion for helping kids succeed flows both upstream and down. Local businesses, communities and civic organizations benefit from well-educated students, and students begin to trust in the support and encouragement of a vocal community of advocates.

Want to participate in Site Council conversations at one of Joplin's schools? Contact the building principal to get started, and learn when meetings are held. You can also fill out a Community Partner application. You and your organization will be welcomed to the table where good things happen: connection and communication, for the good of all.

For help finding a good fit, email Bright Futures Joplin coordinator Amanda Stone, at [email protected].